Join or Donate

2024 memberships now available

We want YOU to join the Squad in 2024.

Join Today!

Want to help out but not become a member?

If you would like to help out with things like:

  • Purchasing tifo and other game day supplies
  • ISC supporter group fees
  • Player of the Match trophies
  • Flags
  • and more.

Your donation is always welcome! Donations of less than $25 will go a long way in helping us out this season. We appreciate you!

Why less than $25?

Well, for social club status under IRS rules, we can only collect up to 35% of our annual proceeds from non-members, so we need to make sure our non-member donations don’t exceed that amount. If you want to donate $25 or more, we’ll need to consider you a member. Not a bad thing!